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where DISSENT takes center stage!

Join the members of Subversive Burlesque for a journey through the good, bad, and DIRTY parts of love! Featuring a wide array of performers, including:
Your Host: Ms. Figgy Pudding
along with Moxie D. Vine, Seraphine du Mal, Nina Nysinaughty, Daisy Bella, Mama May I, Vanity Foxglove,
Bettie Lugosi, Dan The Man, and Lady Godiva
The evening will include a variety of classic burlesque, comedy, drag, music, dance and more!
Admission: $5 or $3 with program from that evening's Subversive Theatre production of
"How I Learned To Drive"
"Art is Not a Mirror to Reflect Reality But a Hammer to Shape It!"
-bertolt brecht
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